Keep yourself fit and eat food and stay healthy tips 2024

"Diet and health"

Today's people seem to be suffering from many problems, economic, moral, social, but maintaining health has become a big problem in today's era. They are starting to do it.It also causes many diseases.

"Hygiene in Islam"

Islamic teachings, where beliefs, worship, society and affairs teach all aspects of fairness and justice, there are treasures in matters of health and well-being. Islam has given such a system that is a guarantee of a healthy life.

We know about the important aspects of the holy life of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) regarding maintaining health.

If we consider, in Islam it is ordered to avoid eating or drinking all those things that are intoxicating because it is very harmful to human health. No one can live without drinking but it is very important to maintain moderation in it.

"A balanced diet can be defined as"

The meaning of Allah's statement in the Holy Qur'an is that:-

"Eat and drink but do not overdo it."

The meaning of the Prophet's hadith is that:-

"A few mouthfuls are enough to keep a person's back straight, and if you want to eat more, remember to leave one-third of your stomach for food, one-third for drinks, and one-third for easy breathing."

Cohabitation is the root of diseases, therefore its complete elimination is necessary, therefore Islam strongly disapproves of it.

This is the meaning of the decree of Tajdar Hikmat (peace be upon him).

"The person who indulges in gluttony in this world will have to remain hungry for a long time on the Day of Resurrection."

The command to eat good, pure and healthy food is given in the Holy Quran.

Allah Almighty says:-

"O you who believe, eat of the pure things that We have given you and give thanks to Allah."

There are many pure foods like meat, milk, bread, oatmeal, olives, fresh vegetables, honey, dates, etc. If we keep our diet simple and balanced, we will be healthier and live a happier life.

Islam has given great importance to moderation in eating and drinking, and for this reason many punishments have been mentioned, such as making dua before starting to eat, eating with straight hands, giving thanks after eating, etc.

Apart from this, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also emphasized the importance of dinner and said:-

"Do not skip dinner, even if it is two dates, because doing so will not speed up aging."

Renowned nutritionist Dr. Barry Sears says that you must eat dinner which includes protein and carbohydrates. By eating such food, our insulin level is maintained, but it is not good to sleep immediately after eating. 

Islam has given us the same education many years ago, which is now being researched by modern science.

"Etiquette for eating"

1.Before eating and after eating, wash both hands, not just one hand or fingers. Remember that you should not wash your hands before eating and after eating, you should wipe your hands with a towel or a napkin so that you do not eat. The effect does not remain.

2. Start eating by reciting Bismillah and recite Bismillah loudly so that other people will also remember and recite Bismillah.

3. Do not place anything on top of the bread and do not cover your hands with the bread.

4. Food should always be eaten with the right hand, eating with the left hand is the work of Satan.

5. Keep talking between meals and be completely silent, this is the way of the Magi, but do not say anything stupid or wrong, but speak good things.

6. Start the meal with salt and end it with salt to cure many diseases.

7. After eating, hands should be washed with soap and cleaned.

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