do you know What is Islamic State?

*Islamic State*

From the point of view of political science, the basic components of the state include local religious law and enforcement.

It is necessary for the state to have its proper boundaries, which in general language is called the territory, on this territory people live, it is also necessary to have a law for these people and there must be a force to enforce this law. This force is known as the government or force in force. 

In the Islamic state, the power is exclusive to Allah Almighty.In all the institutions and actions of the Muslim state, the sovereignty of God must continue.

Muslim scholars have described three basic institutions of society, which are called family, mosque and school. These three institutions carry out the duty of basic training of human beings. These trained people strengthen the state by offering their services in government institutions. 

"Institutions of State"

The basic institutions of the state are called legislature, judiciary, administration.

The members of the legislature make the law, the provincial and national assemblies and the upper house i.e. the senate are called legislative bodies.Media exposes positive and negative characters to the public.

The Islamic state is actually a welfare state. The purpose of the welfare state is to establish a society that is benevolent and serves God through justice in every field. Brotherhood should establish a system of love and trust in every sphere of life.

In the religion of Islam, religion and politics are closely related. The main goal of the political system of Islam is to create a nation that is aware of justice and fairness. 

Regarding the basic duties of a Muslim ruler, Allah says:-

"These are the people who, if We grant them authority in the land, will establish prayer, pay Zakat, and enjoin good and forbid evil, and the end of all deeds is in the power of Allah."

Among the other duties of Muslim officials, the establishment of justice and fairness, the eradication of poverty, the promotion of public welfare, the promotion of Islamic teachings, the enforcement of Islamic judicial orders, the limitation and retribution of Muslims, the defense of Muslims, the support and support of the Islamic nation, and the establishment of the command of al-Moruf and the prohibition of evil in the society. It is mentioned.

In the Islamic divine state, the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah are applied in every aspect. Apart from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, no law can be made that is against the spirit of Islam, because the purpose of the state is to protect the rights and goals of individuals and society. In order to provide them with equal opportunities for development, there is no difference between human being and Muslim in the Islamic state. Gives complete freedom and protects their places of worship.

"The Role of the Armed Forces in Islamic Government"

In the Islamic government, the forces and their commanders were instructed to be careful not to cause riots in the land, not to violate the Sharia rules, not to cut down palm trees and not to burn them, not to kill cattle, not to cut fruit trees, not to tear down places of worship, children and the elderly. And not to kill women. You will find many people who have shut themselves up in churches and have nothing to do with the world. Leave them to their own devices.

"The Islamic State Model"

The best model of the Islamic state is the state of Madinah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prepared the official flag of the state of Madinah, gave the status of the central secretariat of the government to the Prophet's Mosque, and taught discipline to the Muslims by concluding congregational prayers.
Masjid Nabawi was the center of Majlis Shura of Supreme Court and military preparations. As an economic institution, the atmosphere of mutual aid was fostered in the form of muwakhat Medina. It was instructed to keep the roads of the state wide.

"Judicial system and the responsibilities of the Companions"

In the judicial system, the Jaid Companions, especially Ali al-Murtaza, Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood and Hazrat Muaqal bin Yasar, may Allah be pleased with him, were included. At the provincial level, Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal, may Allah be pleased with him, had the powers of a Qazi. Institutions were established, providing the foundation of the local government system. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) appointed a woman named Umm Mumahjin to clean the mosque.

A slave of Tamim Dari was assigned to light the streets at night and a census of Muslims was conducted in Medina.

"Of the people of the Islamic State"

It is the duty of all the people living in the Islamic state to use all their abilities honestly in the construction and development of the state, to prioritize the collective and state interest over their personal interests. Institutions should establish the best system of education and learning while performing their basic duties so as to create a favorable environment for the best Muslims in the society as well as citizens who are skilled in knowledge and art.

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